Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy For The Enjoyment of Life

Ma halo, to every wockety person.
To staggered the oblong, blue and green.
Enjoy today's dark side with zest.
For to blaze new path's sometimes you have to burn old bridges.
Peace and wellness to you and your's in this new year.
Or kiss my ass too, I could care less.

So Welcome Home

#$%#% Psychological shit going down in the city.
Take pity on yourself, and me.
For to join the club, I wave crazy.
In bogs and marshes, I weigh myself
with sticks and stones.
All that I can carry.
Go on! pile a few on.
Let's make the scale.
Under a cat's tale.
In the morning few find glory.
I found some, then righted myself to
see I was quite mistaken.
In the mist it all blends to the nothing.
It where we started right.
So welcome home.

Time For Grandfather

Kiss the ones,
held dearest.
For in those smiles.
In those smiles.
I can see with love's clarity.
Not blindfolded by my hate, and ignorance.
But sipping coffee, and still liking the bitter.
Punishment for crime, is it time already
to draw straws and sticks.
I really must win sometime,
for aloft a judge declares the time.
Far better than a grandfather clock's chime.
Politic's and Drug's for me,
I must have some.
In order to drown the fear of losing my watch.
Do you have the time?
For I do not.

War And Peace

Walk the way, I talk.
Find why I fall.
In my haste,
and emptiness.
A truce in wartime.
A sugar pill sprouted from
lead poisoning.
Back off!!!
That time matters!
The red will cease,
and run clear,
even under the clearest of skies.
I wave my arm in rogue hilarity.
For see, It has since been removed from me.
Wave back, for this is part of the peace,
that war has bought for me.

Move The Face Canvas

A broken nose for me.
A dented skull for gravy.
A sense of macabre for two.
In wicked lashes, and between
gold rings smashes. My face a
wondrous canvas to move and bleed salt.
For what! For ones owns very fears of course.
A desert rose to grind with a dash of salt, for taste.
Angry, Maybe? Insane?
apologetically deranged
and at your service. Thank you.
Tea for you, and coffee for me.
Two lumps for the bitter coffee.
Three lumps for the watered tea.
Sugar is sweet, and a rare treat.

Pants Off To You,My Angry Friend

Blackened teeth for bartered beer.
In swill the swine will find their own,
and drown alone with bleeding tears.
In anger, ticking, time to drowning the swine again,
and in staggered confusion.
I mistakingly invite them in to dine with revelry.
I like the pork and wine, so divine.
Wouldn't you say, quaintly so,
 and a devious little
hooker friend o'mine.
Buy a dream little, on the corner.
A blackened toothy smile,
is the rainbow a grant to you.
My swine swilling com padres.