Friday, October 15, 2010

A Love Poem For All You Having A Crappy Day "In Love True Touches"

   True in life and love.
Between the stars, lights fare.
Ever be in love with me,
will see.
What truth will be,
to me.
In hearts truth belove.
Belongs only, to you and me.
So long as love,
will be.
True to you and me.                                            (6-28-10)

Mice Are Killing Me And My Pex "CAT AHOY!!"

    Today, I found out most of my brand new plumbing of 8 years. It has been eaten through by mice. I'm thrilled to say that by poisoning them they have chosen to chew through my pex water-lines to get to the water. I probably brought this unto myself with the poison. I'm now going to go to more traditional way, "le kitty" I hope it to purr for the kids and play with them and my dogs. "please cat, kill, kill like the wind" say's I, disgruntled Pex pipe owner, and now cat owner as well. To all you Pex owners DO NOT POISON THE RODENTS!! It will cost you in the end.

P.s. I hate mice, and pex, the cheapest shit you can buy. Hurrah!