Saturday, January 8, 2011

Whatever Walks Is Moronic, Myself As Well

   Indeed I find myself very blessed to have such a wonderful family. What about you? Are you happy? In pain? Maybe, the lessening of it. Is really a transforming moment, an event though forgotten quickly. It's really a happy time. I funnel so much sadness and anger through my writings. It really sometimes all consuming, I MEAN it really is. It is something a lot of people can relate to in their own lives. It's really something that "misery loves company" lends itself to be inherently true. You don't have to agree to any of this. Because while I try to non judgmental HAHAHA, but is that really possible. maybe if you have no opinion about anything. Maybe your apathy is a blessing. I can relate, because of the real fact that somethings,somethings, I could care less about.
    I will have an opinion, of course, but a weak one, and truly inconsequently, mainly derived from my own ignorance. It's also what drives the best of friendships, Ignorance is bliss in friendship. Moron begets moron. Welcome to the best of intentions gone wrong. It's sorrow and pain that hope seeks to quell and succeeds as much as a hollow heart's can. In happiness it is tempered in the fires of agony. It's the only way a person can recognize, what's wrong, and whats good in life. Life is a hard lesson, and harder for some, or maybe everyone. I honestly don't know. I'm not everyone, even if I have an opinion about it. It could be wrong. Who know's It could be the intense confusion about my own life, and the pain that has a blessed bit of interruption by the happy. So Ma halo people.

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