Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Problems With Preaching: I Sometimes Do And I'm Sorry, But

    I have tried almost everything in the last dozen years. This is a hard illness to pin down. It's not possible without help to make it even tolerable, believe me I know. I go through the mental gymnastics required on a daily basis. I have to work hard to root out the sneaky ideas and harebrained beliefs. It's a mental war and I've fought this disorganized thought process with a surprisingly effective upbringing. A split between stubbornly organized as well as acceptive disorganization. It's weird, but it works for me.
    I can't stress enough about finding a solid grounding person or person. It has to be someone you see regularly, and trust implicitly. I know I'm preaching to the choir, but this has helped for myself. It may work for you, or maybe you already have a system that works. Go with it. If it works in our differently thinking minds positively, go with it. My wife is a good indicator. She can pretty much tell the bad days from good. It helps a lot. Done preaching, sorry about that.


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